Authentic Wiener Schnitzel in Cologne
in the Rheinauhafen

Restaurant JOSEPH’S
im Rheinauhafen


Schnitzel Cologne – What would southern German-Austrian cuisine be without the world-famous Wiener Schnitzel?

That’s why the WIENER SCHNITZEL is the centerpiece of our menu, highly coveted by our guests and the focus of our offer. If you’re looking for the best schnitzel in Cologne, you’ve come to the right place.

riginally prepared according to a Viennese recipe: Only the best meat from the young calf, pounded wafer-thin but juicy, breaded with eggs and breadcrumbs, fried golden yellow in a pan with the finest clarified butter and pure vegetable oil.

The name “WIENER SCHNITZEL” came into use under the legendary Austrian Emperor Franz-Joseph in the middle of the 19th century and goes back to the COTOLETTA ALLA MILANESE in northern Italy, which was under Habsburg rule at the time.

Legend has it that the Austrian Field Marshal Radetzky – everyone knows the famous Radetzky March at the end of the annual New Year’s concert in Vienna – brought the recipe from Italy to the imperial court in Vienna in 1857. There he personally handed the recipe over to the emperor. Since then, it has been an integral part of Austrian cuisine.

Visit us and enjoy a delicious Wiener Schnitzel in Cologne, directly on the Rhine, at JOSEPH’S.

NEW! Lunch from Mon - Fri
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Schnitzel in Köln genießen - im Josephs's am Rheinauhafen
Schnitzel Cologne

Discover the best schnitzel in Cologne at JOSEPH’S. Freshly prepared and delicious, our Wiener Schnitzel offers an authentic taste experience. Visit us on the Rhine and enjoy a juicy, golden breaded schnitzel in a cozy atmosphere.

Authentisches Wiener Schnitzel in Köln hier essen
The Schnitzel in Cologne at RESTAURANT JOSEPH'S

This is how and only how it is done:


A schnitzel is only a “WIENER SCHNITZEL” if it comes from veal. Tender meat from a young calf of the best quality, the so-called emperor cut of veal. The lean and tender cut is given a butterfly shape with the folding cut, whereby the thick slice is not completely cut and then opened up.

Das Schnitzel in Köln im RESTAURANT JOSEPH'S
Schnitzel in Köln beim Joseph's: Nicht mit der Maschine, sondern per Hand wird jedes Schnitzelhauch dünn geklopft.
The Schnitzel in Cologne at RESTAURANT JOSEPH'S


Each schnitzel puff is pounded thinly by hand, not by machine. The characteristic knocking, which can be heard with such auspicious regularity when the schnitzel is expertly flattened, is an integral part of an Austrian restaurant and music to the ears of every Viennese.

The Schnitzel in Cologne at RESTAURANT JOSEPH'S


The freshly pounded meat is carefully breaded in a coating of free-range eggs and breadcrumbs. Incidentally, its soft grey color makes it easy to distinguish from a pork schnitzel with a distinctly white color.

In einer Panade aus Freilandeiern und Semmelbröseln wird das frisch geklopfte Fleisch sorgfältig paniert.
In der heißen Pfanne in duftendem Butterschmalz und/oder einem erstklassigen Pflanzenöl wird das Schnitzel zügig goldgelb ausgebacken.
The Schnitzel in Cologne at RESTAURANT JOSEPH'S


The schnitzel is quickly fried in a hot pan in fragrant clarified butter and/or a first-class vegetable oil until golden brown.

The Schnitzel in Cologne at RESTAURANT JOSEPH'S


The plate-sized schnitzel is served to the eagerly waiting guest with a choice of warm potato and cucumber salad, French fries or boiled potato with butter and parsley.

Schnitzel Köln im Joseph's: Wahlweise mit warmen Kartoffel-Gurkensalat, Pommes frittes oder Salzkartoffel in Butter und Petersilie wird das tellergroße Schnitzel dem freudig wartenden Gast serviert.


Enjoy our original Austrian WIENER SCHNITZEL in our stylish restaurant or on the fantastic weatherproof terrace directly at the Rhine.

Here you can quickly and easily reserve a table for a delicious schnitzel in Cologne.
We look forward to welcoming you as our guest.


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From 2 pm


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PLEASE note:

We process emails and telephone calls from 2 pm. You will receive an answer from us on the same day. For quick reservations, please use our online reservation system as an alternative.